Upin & Ipin Wiki

Ipin (Ipin bin Adbul Salam) is one of the main characters and eponymous ini Upin & Ipin. He is Upin's twin younger brother, Ros's young brother and Opah's grandson.

Physical Appearance

Although Upin and Ipin are identical twins who are both bald, Ipin distinguished because he has no strand of hair like Upin, and usually wears a blue singlet that says the letter "i", and a little red scarf tied around the neck and anchored behind him.


As the little brother, Ipin show character if yes which agreed only with brother or anyone who talks to him every time, by responding to the words by repeating one word three times in one sentence, for example "Correct correct correct", "Yes yes yes", "Right right right" or "Yummy yummy yummy". Ipin also displays of fond will eat fried chicken, so that he once willing to buy fried chicken excessively though not necessarily eat up.


  • Ipin shares the same voice actor with Upin.